Ron Paul Furious Over The NDAA (‘Indefinite Detention Bill’): ‘This Is A Giant Step – This Should Be The Biggest News Going Right Now – Literally Legalizing Martial Law’

“Why is there almost no coverage by MSM?”

is the Right Question.

other interesting questions include “Why is Obama presiding over a significant ratcheting up of the Police State?” but whatever his motives, and the banks’, the elephant in the room is the absence of mainstream media dissection of these totalitarian developments. Whoever is in control REALLY IS, quite impressively, in control

Not a single journalist prepared to break ranks? If true, that’s frightening…

Ron Paul Furious Over The NDAA (‘Indefinite Detention Bill’): ‘This Is A Giant Step – This Should Be The Biggest News Going Right Now – Literally Legalizing Martial Law’.

About Harry Stottle
Refugee from the Stumbleupon Blogicide of October 2011 Here you will find my "kneejerk" responses to the world and what I happen to bump into. For my more detailed considerations and proposals, please visit my website or my previous main blogging site.

4 Responses to Ron Paul Furious Over The NDAA (‘Indefinite Detention Bill’): ‘This Is A Giant Step – This Should Be The Biggest News Going Right Now – Literally Legalizing Martial Law’

  1. The media has been the bought and paid for advertising and marketing agent for the Globalist agenda, ever since the bankers and industrialists bought the 25 most influential newspapers in America, almost 100 years ago. The growth of the propaganda machine started there. One of the first acts by this lying cabal was to quash the ad announcing that Germany knew that the Lusitania would be carrying munitions bound for Great Britain, the week before the ship sailed. all it took to kill the ad was intervention from Woodrow Wilson. Since then, the media hasn’t slowed in the slightest. Fabrication and falsehood are now what passes for journalism.


  2. Pingback: The Daily Climb « georgesblogforum

  3. I trust you’re familiar with “Manufacturing Consent”?
    I do find it remarkable that decades of clear and naked collaboration of the mainstream media with the levers of power have produced so little reaction. Their social conditioning techniques are obviously extremely effective. Fortunately, though, less than 100% effective…

  4. Pingback: The Daily Climb-Sunday, Dec. 18th, 2011 | The Daily Climb-Daily Posting Of Relevant Content

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